The Mountain Top View

The Mountain Top View

I made it to the top! However, much preparation was required. We spent 8-9 hour days climbing mountains in the rain and cold but it was well worth it.  You all may have heard a similar quote but I believe that "adventure is about the journey and not solely the destination".   My journey on the Appalachian Trail through the Great Smokey Mountains was a journey I will never forget. I want to share that with more people.  Through my experiences and interactions, African Americans can sometimes be intimidated by the wild and vast outdoors.  We often think that the wilderness is for 'other' people.

Through this blog I hope to change minds, encourage hearts and inspire African Americans to take that first Epic Journey.   'Epic', is a personal perspective.  For some that Epic Journey may just be their first hike at the local park, that first camping trip or are a week on the Appalachian Trail capped off with a three day river kayaking trip.  The point being, It's your choice!  Ultimately it's my hope that it will be the first  of many.  The good news is you don't have to journey alone.  I'm here to help simplify those question regarding what do I need, when should I go, where should I go and how do I do this?  I’ll give you my opinions and recommendations on specific things that have worked for me.  Lets Go!!

Every journey begins with that first step so lets start with the basics first, the feet.  What do I need for that basic hike in the park?  Protected and comfortable feet are essential for hiking.  The path you are hiking on may be variable (large rocks, small gravel, sand, mud, grass, etc..) so it’s important to have a versatile shoe.  I have the Vasque Breeze hiking boots.   They are very comfortable for everyday wear and provide great traction and stability on the trail.  Very little break-in was needed for these boots and they were comfortable right out of the box.

As a second option for more expedition type journey I use the Salomon Quest Hiking Boot.  I’m told that a form of this shoe is used by the US Navy Seal's.  A good break-in period for the Salomon’s should be allowed.

Lastly, you must have socks!  And they must be wool socks!  Wool dries quickly, provides good cushioning and is breathable.  It is really the only good choice for hiking.  In general, for all outdoor garments, please remember  “cotton is rotten”.  For outdoor adventures please avoid cotton.  That means jeans also.  I’ll cover cotton in a later post.  For now, make your selections and ask any questions.  We’re getting closer to getting you ready for your first hike so check back often.  

Next time, I’ll cover hiking poles.  Who needs them, what are they for, when should I use them, where are they best utilized and how to use them.


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