6 'Secret' Outdoor Tips for Bicycle Riders

6 'Secret' Outdoor Tips for Bicycle Riders

Okay, you all know the standard rules for bike riding right? I’m going to assume you know the basics like wear a helmet, use hand signals in traffic, keep pedals parallel to the ground when coasting on off road trails, wear bright reflective clothing, and on and on. Today we’ll cover some of the lesser known but really important to-do’s and things to watch out for. Just a few of my own personal observations. Comment below with your thoughts and subscribe for more tips.

1. Keep Your Mouth Closed

Priority number one!  This isn't to keep secrets in but to keep bugs out! I can tell you that mosquitos, gnats and butterflies, could use a little salt.  I'm just saying.  Ignore this tip and mouthwash or dental floss may be required at Tip #6.

2. Watch Out For That Studio/Spinning Class Cyclist

I don't understand it, but some spin class riders like to dance on their bikes.  Who knew! Dancing Dan and Dana confuse me when I’m out riding. I'm not sure if I should stop and render aid or try not to laugh as I ride past.  ‘Bike dancing’ doesn’t translate well in the real outdoor riding world.  Hint: you are responsible for balancing your own bike outdoors.  

3. Indecisive Squirrel Syndrome (ISS) - It’s Spreading, Wear Protection

Squirrels seem so confused!  He runs in front of the bike, then back to the shoulder, then across the whole trail in front of the bike again.  At least he's quick about it and luckily his win percentage is pretty high against bicycles.  Not so much versus cars.

4. Respect The Slippery When Wet Warning

That beautiful rustic wooden bridge is slippery after a rain shower.  Please, no sudden turns or your bike pedals will leave a lasting impression, literally. Your knees and elbows will also thank you. 

 5. Beware Of Dog Owner

Really?  Sometimes I wonder who's in charge and who's walking whom.  Note to owner: If your dog has teeth, he bites!

 6. Enjoy The Downhill

"It's all downhill from here" is not a motivating life principle but it works great for cycling.  You worked hard for that summit. You've dodged Dancing Dan and Dana, the schizophrenic squirrel, the disobedient dog owner and managed to stay upright. Treat yourself! Give 40+ mph a try on the downhill.  Just don't forget the most important tip, 'Keep your mouth closed'.  Mouthwash and dental floss anyone!?

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