ALASKA: Natures Perfect Gumbo

ALASKA: Natures Perfect Gumbo

First of all, No.  This is not a post about how to make Gumbo in Alaska.  But like a great Gumbo, what helps make Alaska great is the mix of ingredients and spice that gives it that remarkable flavor.  There is no question that Alaska is a vast wilderness. The state holds claim to the largest Nation Forest in the US, The Tongass, which is about 17million acres.  Alaska also has more coast line than all the other states combined.  It's home to 17 of the 20 highest peaks in the US.  With all of those outdoor assets and potential for amazing adventures, it's easy to see why I believe that Alaska is an outdoor panacea.  From Kayaking to Mountain climbing, Alaska has it.  Most of the current Discovery and History channel television shows that highlight Alaska fall short in capturing  the essence of the vastness and beauty of this wild place.  You must see it for yourself.

Several years ago I had the opportunity to spend a week in Alaska.  While I don’t consider myself to be a world explorer, Alaska and it's diverse ecosystem is easily the most beautiful outdoor space I've personally witnessed.  If you love nature and have an appreciation for wildlife, I highly recommend a trip to the coastal areas of Alaska.  I'm getting the itch to return and write a new chapter in the outdoor adventure story book.  Here are some of the things I experienced in Alaska. They say a picture is worth a thousand words….So follow along as I tell this story primarily through the medium of photography.  

Humpback Whale breaching!

As I stood aft and starboard of the ship on a cool morning just after sunrise on the Inside Passage, I witnessed a completely unexpected event.  A huge Humpback Whale breached about 100 yards from the boat.  The few who witnessed this with me were astonished.  The sudden collective gasps of the fresh morning air may have actually caused the boat to churn in place for a brief moment but I can’t be certain of that.  I stood frozen, not believing what I had just witnessed.  I have seen this happen on nature shows many times but to witness it so up close and personally was breath taking.  I snapped out of my trance and then realized I was holding my video camera.  I quickly got my camera into position.  Kind of like a catcher waiting for the next pitch in a baseball game.  Hoping that lightning would strike twice in the same place.  However, that pitch never came and there no more lightning.  I would have to settle for that visual memento that is etched in my minds eye and it's still as clear today as it was then.

“In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.”

Psalm 95:4-5 NIV

Grizzly Bear or Alaska Brown Bear, Can you tell the difference?

Alaska is the only State that has not just the Brown Bear but also Black Bears and Polar Bears.  While Grizzly Bears and Brown Bears are the same species, they are somewhat different because of where they live and what they eat.  Grizzly’s are typically inland bears that enjoy a more plant based diet.  Whereas Alaskans refer to Brown Bears as those in the coastal areas of Alaska.  These bears have a rich and plentiful food sources like salmon and as a result, are larger in size.  I had the pleasure of seeing the Brown Bear in a random outdoor and thankfully distant encounter.  It was a mother with three cubs. My group stood on a hillside looking down into a stream full of salmon.  We were far enough away and did not present a threat to the mother and her cubs. As you can see, we were hardly noticed. 

Hubbard Glacier / Mendenhall Glacier

On one of the coldest days I've experienced, I visited the Hubbard Glacier.  You may think, what’s the big deal about seeing what is essentially a mountain of ice.  It is the beautiful white and deep sky blue hues that run through the ice formations.  It’s the excitement of watching the calving of this mountain of ice.  As we watched the glacier with mugs of hot chocolate you could hear loud cracks in the ice as it was slowly breaking away from the glacier.  Similar to the sound of a large tree falling away as it’s being cut down. As the sheets of ice fall away and expose a new face it sounds like thunder as it fall into the sea creating a massive splash and large wake.  A must see.  Visit the Mendenhall Glacier visitor center and see it from the eagles point of view.

Kroschel Wildlife Center - Haines, Alaska

If you are ever in Haines, Alaska this is a highly recommended stop.  If you want to see close up and in person some of the animals that thrive in the Alaska wilderness this is a good start.  From porcupine, to Caribou, Wolves, Coyote, Arctic Fox , Lynx and my favorite, the Wolverine. Steve Kroschel ran this center the last time I was there and gave us an up close and personal education on many of the animals he cares for at the center.  It was amazing to see young Lynx stalk along the log and to hear the low growls of the Wolverine who wasn't particularly in the mood for visitors and decided not to show his face.

Majestic Bald Eagles

The Bald Eagle is a magnificent bird and if you are on the lookout you can see them sprinkled throughout Alaska in the tree tops.  Only initially noticeable by their white crown as they sit on tree branches scanning for their next meal.

Can you spot the Bald Eagle in this photo?

Can you spot the Bald Eagle in this photo?


Scroll through to see a few more miscellaneous photos

(scroll filmstrip above)

Do you have an Alaska experience to share?  I welcome any fuel you can add to the fire to inspire one more visit to Alaska.

“But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; And the birds of the air, and they will tell you; Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; And the fish of the sea will explain to you. Who among all these does not know That the hand of the LORD has done this, In whose hand is the life of every living thing, And the breath of all mankind?”

Job 12:7-10 NKJV

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