10 Tell-Tale Signs You May Really Be, 'Indoorsy'

10 Tell-Tale Signs You May Really Be, 'Indoorsy'

This is a Public Service Announcement: People who are 'indoorsy' should refrain from hanging out with 'outdoorsy' friends when spending significant time Outdoors.  I’m just saying it’s not a good look and a perfectly good day outdoors can go down the snake hole really quickly.  Here are a few hints that suggest you or someone you now really dislikes the outdoors but may be in denial.  

If any one of these describes you or someone you know, then you (they) may be an indoors person and that’s okay.  

Just know your limitations.  In which case, it may be a great idea to skip that backpacking trip and gradually work up from those long casual walks to the mailbox. ‘Preciate ya!

1. If you have ever complained that a beautiful sunny day is ‘too sunny’…You may be an ‘indoors person’ 

2. If you make great efforts to avoid sweating in mid-July...You may be an ‘indoors person'

3. If your bare feet have not touched the bare earth since you learned to tie your own shoes… You may be an ‘indoors person’

4. If your favorite outdoor activity is going back inside...You are definitely an ‘indoors person’

5. You treat hand sanitizer like it’s epinephrine, you never leave home without it...You may be an 'indoors person'              


6. If you feel totally disrespected by a cool summer breeze that shuffles your weave, I mean hair...You may be an ‘indoors person’

7. If all your drinking water must be bottled or double filtered plus ice cold...You may be an 'indoors person'

8. If you believe a urinary tract infection is preferable to relieving yourself outdoors … Do I really need to say it ?

9. If your idea of getting some fresh air is changing the filter in your air conditioner….You may be an ‘indoors person’

10. If you are outdoors and constantly scratching, but don’t itch.. You may be an 'indoors person'

Leave a comment below and share any Tell-Tale signs you have encountered.  Don't forget to subscribe.

"But if any man among you is without wisdom, let him make his request to God, who gives freely to all without an unkind word, and it will be given to him." James 1:5
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