Trey's Outdoor Adventures

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COVID Campfire Counseling

Since COVID 19 is soundly defeating 2020, I've had some time to reflect. Schedules and circumstances have limited my outdoor adventures to a few small pleasures—one of those being the backyard fire ring. Staring into the flames on chilly nights has given me fresh eyes through which to see. I've realized that making the most of this life and keeping our personal fires burning is similar in some ways to keeping your campfire going. These five life principles are my attempt at campfire counseling. Pull up a stump, let’s see how this goes.

  • A Little Preparation Goes A Long Way

If you want a high heat and low smoke campfire, you need to start small. Build yourself a good foundation starting with the small stuff before you start adding the big stuff. Otherwise, you risk smothering your flame before you even get started...and such is life. Start small, get a steady, consistent burn, then start layering on the big things of life.

  • You Need Fuel For Your Fire

Once you have established a small fire, it needs a continuous source of fuel for it to stay hot and burn with intensity...and such is life. In life, we only need the basics to get by but to shine bright as human beings; we need the fuel of friendship, family, encouragement, support, love, goals, etc... Be Someone's Fuel. Their fire will warm you!

  • Allow Room To Breathe

A fire will not burn without oxygen… and such is life. Allow spaces for your fire to breathe. When it gets to be a little too much, and you feel like the COVID walls are closing in, take time to breathe. Remove a few logs from your fire. See what happens. The results may surprise you.

  • Protect Your Flame

Now that your fire is blazing hot, It only has one 'natural' enemy, water…and such is life. Man's inhumanity to man is our natural enemy. You've heard of Debbie Downer, but don't overlook those water carriers Jealous James and Gossip Gail. Keep them at bay; they seek only to extinguish your flame.  

  • Build Again

Sometimes we lose focus, or circumstances beyond our control cause our flame to flicker out even with our best efforts. You guessed it, "Such is life". However, if you pay close attention, just beneath the ashes you can find a smoldering ember. Dig it up and look for others covered in the ashes and put them together and start again. You only need a single ember but there is power in numbers. You may have to start smaller than you did last time around because this is indeed a delicate situation. It's going to take some work, but hey, no one said it would be easy.

Or perhaps I'm overthinking this campfire thing.

Be Well! God Bless!